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Criminal Law

Waterfords Solicitors was originally set up to provide specialist criminal defence service with an emphasis on client care. We have a dedicated professional team of criminal law solicitors specialising in all aspects of criminal defence in addition to an enthusiastic team of legal support staff.

An accusation of any crime can be a frightening and intimidating experience. Without the help of experienced lawyers, these accusations can lead to life-changing consequences. At Waterfords Solicitors, we have many years’ experience of dealing with a wide range of offences, from motoring offences to murder.

We can see you at short notice, whether you are in custody or on bail, to give police station advice, deal with complex trial issues, sentencing hearings and appeals against conviction and/or sentence at both the Crown Court and Court of Appeal. We will keep you and your family updated with progress.

When attending an interview, it is essential to request a solicitor. The right advice at the police station can prevent a case from being brought in the first place. If you find yourself in the Police Station under arrest then simply tell the police sergeant at the custody desk to contactWaterfords Solicitors on 020 8568 6464. This police station advice and representation service is completely free of charge. We are available 24 hours a day and can be with you within 30 minutes of receiving a call.

We are a friendly, accessible team, who care about getting the best possible result for you. We will use plain English in all our dealings with you. We will do all that we can to put you at ease in stressful circumstances.

Our goal is simple – to continue striving to be the best criminal solicitors’ practice in the UK, by preparing our clients’ cases to the highest standard. We will fight to obtain the greatest possible result in each and every case.

Waterfords deal with both private paying clients and those whose matters will be publicly funded too. Our reputation in this area is built on working hard for our clients and ensuring that no stone is left unturned in challenging a prosecution case and building a solid defence. Our criminal lawyers forcefully defend our clients, both against the Police and the CPS.

Legal aid may be available to you but this is dependent on your means and income. If you are arrested by the police or attend the police station voluntarily you will be entitledto free legal representation at the police station, providing the interview is conducted by a police officer.

We operate nationally and are able to attend and represent clients at Police stations, Magistrates Courts, Crown Courts and the Court of Appeal.

Waterfords Solicitors have worked on numerous Very High Cost Cases involving Terrorism and serious international Fraud.

The different areas of Criminal Law include the following areas:

  • Murder, Manslaughter
  • Assaults, ABH & GBH
  • Large scale fraud
  • Blackmail and Extortion
  • Breach of injunction
  • Counterfeit Goods
  • Public order offences including affray, harassment and all racially aggravated offences
  • Drink & Drugs offences
  • Firearm Offences
  • Money Laundering
  • Motoring & Driving offences
  • Organised Crime
  • Police station interviews
  • Proceeds of crime (Confiscation proceedings)
  • Sexual Offences
  • Terrorism
  • Theft, Burglary & Robbery


Waterfords Service

When facing a criminal charge, you want the reassurance that you are represented by expert criminal lawyers. We are one of the leading teams of criminal specialists inLondon.

We offer a 24-hour emergency police station service(020 8568 6464) for clients who have been arrested and require immediate telephone advice and/or attendance at a police station for interviews. Our police station adviceand representation service is completely free of charge.

As well as advice at the police station, we also provide representation (including appeals against convictions) at the Magistrates’ or Crown Courts.

We are franchised by the Legal Services Commission and are members of the Serious Fraud Panel and Waterfords Solicitors are authorised to conduct Very High Cost Cases. Our team are members of the Criminal Law Solicitors Association and the London Criminal Courts Association.

Crown Court, Appeals & Confiscation Hearings

If your case is heard in the crown court we will ensure that your case is fully prepared and handled in professional manner in readiness for all hearings. We have considerable experience in dealing with crown court case preparation. We have successfully defended numerous trials at the Central Criminal Law Courts. We regularly appear in high profile cases in the crown courts.

We have established excellent working relationships with several sets of specialist criminal chambers, which enables us to draw from the very best of the criminal bar. We also have established links with QCs and leading juniors in all aspects of criminal defence. We are therefore able to offer our clients a comprehensive and professional defence. With a growing number of solicitor advocate we are able to offer clients a higher level of service as the will be represented by experienced advocates in the crown court who are fully aware of your case and have dealt with it from the outset.

If your case is being dealt with in the crown court legal aid will be means tested, the only difference being that subject to your means you may be ordered to pay a contribution towards your own legal costs as the case progresses. At the crown court if you are convicted you may be ordered to contribute towards the prosecutions costs.

In the event that you are refused legal aid or simply are not eligible we are able to act for you on a private costs basis. In this situation we will explain to you our hourly rate or fixed fee for your particular matter. If you require private representation please make an appointment to see us – our crime line number is 0208 568 6464.

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